Give us three days, and we’ll give you a reset that will help you sell more wine online.
A Note from Erica
In the past few years, we’ve watched wineries enjoy enormous success with email marketing.
One client more than 10-xed their ecommerce revenue using the power of email marketing.
One simple campaign converted over half of a winery’s new subscribers into purchasers within 6 months (and 20% of those customers became club members in that time).
We helped a boutique Napa winery go from getting NO online club signups to getting 2-3 per day.
We took one Sonoma winery into 7-figures of email--generated ecommerce in just 8 months.
How are wineries getting these kind of results? It starts with a shift in the way you THINK about email marketing.
Are you ready to make that leap? WE CAN HELP.
The Winery Email Marketing Reset:
June 24-26, 2024
Three days. Epic Momentum.
(100% FREE)
Day One - June 24th at 12 pm PST
Discover why your emails aren’t selling wine the way they used to, and set the stage for the next part of the challenge.
Day Two - June 25th at 2 pm PST
You’ll go through the Email Mavens quarterly planning process to map out your email campaigns for July, August, and September.
Day Three - June 26th at 2pm PST
Learn to make your success automatic (and inevitable) in our final live training.
What is the Winery Email Marketing Mid-Year Reset?
In this free three-day challenge, we’re going to start treating email marketing as a new revenue stream for your winery. You’ll get the foundations of your best quarter of emails ever. You’ll get accountability, high energy teaching, and the most effective tools the Email Mavens have developed in over 15 years of working in this industry to help all kinds of brands and businesses send better emails.
Emails that make money.
We understand that you have a lot on your plate. Your glass is MORE than half full of responsibility. Whether you just inherited the email marketing hat and aren’t sure where to get started, or you’ve been at it inconsistently for a while and are ready to go all in on this whole email marketing thing, we’ve got your back!
In this mid-year reset, we’ll help your winery plan and execute marketing emails that generate revenue. Give us three days, and we’ll give you three action-packed trainings with Q&A that are the foundation of the next-level email marketing program your winery deserves.
This Challenge is for you if:
You’re just getting started with email marketing for your winery, and want a proven framework to build your success on.
You’ve been doing email marketing for a while, but aren’t sure if anything you’re sending is really moving the needle.
You are looking for simple strategies to help you get better results.
You feel like your email marketing is getting stale… customers are not responding the way they used to and you feel like it just isn’t worth it to press send anymore.
This is NOT for you if:
You’re not interested in trying new things; what you’ve got is working fine.
You already have a solid email marketing plan, a refined segmentation strategy, and solid reporting and analytics that you regularly review.
You don’t think email marketing is going to get your winery a significant return on investment (both of time or energy).